19.10.20 - KEGG database update. Update your existing datasets.
24.01.17 - KEGG database update. Regarding that, please remember to update your datasets.
26.10.15 - NOTICE: *BUG FIX*! We uncovered and fixed a bug that caused KNN impute option to mistreat datasets. All datasets with KNN impute option active are likely affected and have to be uploaded again. We apologise for any inconvenience.
19.02.15 - KEGG database update.
04.10.13 - Minor layout changes on web page (You won't notice). Also reminding You to update Your datasets.
24.01.12 - KEGG database update! Updates are going to be now on regular basis. If You get software errors or malformed images, try to update Your dataset!
Have You noticed the 'Animation filters' tab in 'Animate' box? You can have gene names drawn on image, select genes and samples to display aswell use different color schemes!
25.07.10 - Added support for all KEGG organisms and support for compound visualisation
02.09.09 - Fixed problems caused by KEGG ftp internal makeover; some other improvments / fixes.